What are available training plans?
Introduction to the Manager and Editor interface and basic functions.
- Manager – preview of tabs and available functions.
- Editor – introduction to the interface (basic windows, tools and functions).
- Application configuration (program settings, creation of templates).
Approx. 1 hour
Useful links:
Before taking part in the training, please read the following to maximize your learning output:
- InstalSystem 5 – General presentation of new software package – Webinar
- Package technical specifications
- Introduction to the work with the package InstalSystem 5 – HelpSystem
Preparation of complete building structure along with calculation of heat load based on a one-family house.
- Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
- creating required number of storeys,
- editing data for room types,
- editing data for building heat load requirements.
- Loading storey plans from DWG files.
- Generating elements composing the building structure (walls, slabs, floors, roofs) with use of tools automating this phase.
- Inserting windows, doors, slab or wall openings.
- Modelling roof surfaces.
- Generating a complete building structure.
- Defining heating parameters for structure partitions.
- Determining building and room heat load (H&E)
- Analyzing results, in particular:
- automatically created 3D heating model,
- ventilation airflows indicated graphically on plans,
- particular results for rooms and the complete building.
- Q&A.
Approx. 3-4 hours
Useful links:
Before taking part in the training, please read the following to maximize your learning output:
- InstalSystem 5 – Preparation of building structure – Webinar
- InstalSystem 5 – Design heat load calculation – Webinar
- Preparation of building structure – HelpSystem
- Calculation of design heat load of rooms – HelpSystem
Designing of a heating system with convective radiators.
During the training, you will learn how to prepare two types of systems:
- heating system fed by risers in a multi-storey building.
- heating system with manifold distribution in a one-family house.
- Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
- default types of radiators, fittings and connection sets,
- radiator sizing options.
- Design graphic edition on plans, in particular:
- inserting radiators in groups and editing their data,
- arranging the medium distribution system and connecting radiators to it.
- 3D model system correctness analysis.
- Calculation performance as well as diagnostics and results analysis, in particular:
- coverage of required heating output,
- sized radiators and fittings,
- obtained bill of materials.
- Generating schematic views.
- Preparing designs for printout/export.
- (opt.) Exporting installation models to IFC (BIM format) files.
- Q&A.
Approx. 2 hours
Useful links:
Before taking part in the training, please read the following to maximize your learning output:
- InstalSystem 5 – Designing heating intallation with convective radiators – Tutorial
- InstalSystem 5 – Designing heating systems with convective radiators – HelpSystem
Designing of a radiant floor and wall heating system in a one-family house.
- Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
- radiant floor systems,
- radiant wall systems,
- radiant ceiling systems,
- manifolds and control systems,
- feed temperature,
- other options which may have impact on calculation results.
- Design graphic edition on plans, in particular:
- ‘Heating/cooling zone’ data preview and usage tips,
- ‘Pipe feeds route’ usage tips,
- controlling mechanisms generating loop drawings,
- manually correcting loop drawing and automatically generated pipe feeds.
- 3D model system correctness analysis.
- Calculation performance as well as diagnostics and results analysis, in particular:
- coverage of required heating demand and system hydraulic balance,
- system parameters in particular tabs visible in the ‘Results’ window,
- obtained bill of materials.
- Correcting system parameters in order to obtain required heating efficiency.
- (opt.) Designing system cooling capacity.
- Generating schematic views.
- Preparing designs for printout/export.
- (opt.) Exporting installation models to IFC (BIM format) files.
- Q&A.
Approx. 3 hours
Useful links:
Before taking part in the training, please read the following to maximize your learning output:
- InstalSystem 5 – Underfloor heating installation design – Tutorial
- InstalSystem 5 – Designing of radiant heating floor and wall installation – Helpsystem
Designing a heating system with use of prefabricated ceiling and wall panels (+ cooling system as an option, if the package configuration used during the training included the ‘Cooling systems’ module)
- Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
- default data for storeys,
- system working parameters,
- default data for panels,
- default data for distribution pipe feeds and for panel serial connection,
- manifold and fitting default types.
- Design graphic edition on plans, in particular:
- loading storey plans from DWG files,
- creating a room,
- filling an area room with ceiling panels,
- inserting wall/ceiling panels manually,
- connecting panels in series.
- Verifying the system model in 3D view.
- Performing preliminary calculations in order to verify coverage of room heat demand.
- Correcting preliminary data to adjust the calculated capacity to the required output.
- Design graphic edition on plans – completing designs with heat source and distribution system.
- Performing complete calculations along with system balancing and obtaining bill of materials.
- Diagnostics and results analysis.
- Preparing designs for printout/export.
- (opt.) Exporting installation models to IFC (BIM format) files.
- Q&A.
Approx. 2 hours
Useful links:
Before taking part in the training, please read the following to maximize your learning output:
Designing (hot, cold; hot water circulation system) water systems in a one-family house.
- Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
- default types of pipes and fittings,
- default types of whiteware,
- selecting calculation standard,
- system working parameters.
- Design graphic edition on plans, in particular:
- inserting whiteware,
- inserting a source and (opt.) a heater,
- distributing water system pipes, (opt.) in loop installations,
- inserting necessary fittings and whiteware.
- 3D model system correctness analysis.
- Editing element data.
- Calculation performance as well as diagnostics and results analysis, in particular:
- determined required source pressure,
- obtained pressure before water outlets,
- circulation hydraulic balancing ,
- parameters of pressure boosters and pressure regulators,
- (opt.) hot water output time to designated water outlets.
- Generating schematic views.
- Preparing designs for printout/export.
- (opt.) Export of the installation model to an IFC file (BIM format).
- Q&A.
Approx. 2 hours
Useful links:
Before taking part in the training, please read the following to maximize your learning output:
- InstalSystem 5 – Designing of water supply system installation – HelpSystem
- InstalSystem 5 – Designing sanitary system loop installations – HelpSystem
Designing installations with flat stations supplying heating for purposes of domestic hot water and apartment central heating in multi-storey buildings
The training includes two alternative scenarios:
- manually declared domestic hot water outflow.
- domestic hot water outflow based on water system calculations (requires the ‘Tap water systems’ module included in the software configuration).
- Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
- default station type,
- hot water heating degree,
- domestic hot water outflow declaration method (requires the ‘Tap water systems’ module included in the software configuration).
- Design graphic edition on plans, in particular:
- inserting stations and editing their data,
- nserting a source and arranging a distribution system (risers and horizontal sections in the basement),
- connecting (central heating and domestic hot water) apartment systems to stations,
- inserting necessary fittings and whiteware,
- copying installations on other analogous storeys.
- 3D model system correctness analysis.
- Calculation performance as well as diagnostics and results analysis, in particular:
- necessary tap water heat exchange for working parameters,
- sized diameters for station feed risers,
- determined pressure required in the source,
- determined source output.
- Generating schematic views.
- Preparing designs for printout/export.
- (opt.) Exporting installation models to IFC (BIM format) files.
- Q&A.
Approx. 2 hours
Useful links:
Before taking part in the training, please read the following to maximize your learning output:
Use of a building model in IFC format to calculate the building’s heat load and design the installations.
- Loading the IFC file and analyzing its structure and content using the “Project browser”, “Search”, “Data table” windows and additional tools.
- Possible ways of using the IFC model depending on the design case:
- the use of the IFC building model without a complete interpretation of the structural partitions,
- use of the IFC building model without a complete interpretation of the structural partitions with manual input of rooms or (available from publication 23.0) import of IFCspace objects,
- using the IFC building model to automatically generate a complete building structure with its structural partitions.
- Creating the appropriate number of storeys from the IFC model:
- characteristics and application of the “Create stories from IFC” method,
- characteristics and application of the “Create stories between selected slabs/ roofs from an IFC file” method.
- Interpretation of structural walls from the IFC building model.
- Interpretation of structural slabs from the IFC building model.
- Interpretation of the roof from the IFC building model.
- Interpretation of windows and doors from the IFC building model.
- Generation of a complete building structure with rooms.
- Examples of corrections required to obtain a correct and complete thermal model.
- Determining the thermal load of the building.
- Example elementary installation design.
- Exporting the project to an IFC file – controlling the exported scope and other export settings.
- Q&A.
Approx. 2-3 hours
Useful links:
To maximize the effects, please watch this webinar before the training:
- InstalSystem 5 – BIM designing – Webinar
What they say about us?
"In InstalSystem 5, projects are done so quickly that there is no time to enjoy with the project."
Who are the trainings dedicated to?
Our trainings are dedicated to MEP & HVAC designers, technical workers, sales representatives of MEP & HVAC systems and installation parts as well as students of related fields of study. All training subjects and examples have been selected so that both beginners and more experienced users are able to gain maximum knowledge and practical skills.
What does the training look like?
The training may be performed as a presentation or a workshop, during which users perform each designing step simultaneously with the trainer.
Due to the ongoing epidemic situation, we consider on-line workshops as the preferred form. Most time of such an on-line training, the trainer shows the desktop while performing and commenting next designing steps. During the training, users may report problems to the trainer (via chat or orally) and, if necessary, share his/her desktop whether the problems do not allow to perform further steps.
We strongly invite you to take part in workshops as it is the most efficient form of training.
Who are the trainers?
Trainings are performed by the InstalSoft staff of engineers with theoretical and practical knowledge of HVAC systems and with experience in teaching software usage and resolution of users’ program issues.
What is the price of the training?
The training price results from an hourly fee and training duration.
The price is independent from the number of attendees, however, they are some limitation in scope of maximum number of attendees depend on the training option:
- 15 attendees for on-line trainings
- 10 attendees for trainings away at the place designated by the organizer
- 8 attendees for trainings conducted at the InstalSoft headquarter
- without limit in the case of presentations conducted in a place designated by the organizer
For each training program, defined above, an estimated duration time has been established. Thanks to this, you may compose you own training agenda, accordingly to your needs.
Price for non-standard trainings/consultations are determined individually.
How to prepare for training?
In case of a workshop training:
- Computer fulfilling current hardware requirements.
- Installed, updated and activated InstalSystem 5 package. Attention! You have not obtained a licence yet? Not a problem! – for the training time and purposes, you will receive a FREE program licence in a configuration that will allow you to take part in the training event.
- In case of on-line workshops, 2 monitors or a monitor and a display, one for displaying the presentation and the other one for performing next designing steps.
- In case of an on-line presentation, a random computer with speakers/headphones and, optionally, a microphone for audio communication.
On-line trainings are conducted with use of the MS Teams or ClickMeeting programs. Participation in such sessions do not require their installation, access is granted by an Internet browser. The platform allows to perform a two-way video and audio communication along with a chatbox.
Send us an e-mail at
- numbers of chosen training plans as above
- suggested training dates, taking into consideration daily time limits for a single training (see “What is the training price?”)
Do you have any questions? Do you need personalized offer? Contact with us!