Here we present new functions, tools and modules that appear in our programs, made available along with subsequent publications. We are intensively developing InstalSystem 5 and InstalSmart, which results in numerous changes and improvements that respond to comments, reported needs, required corrections, or expected new modules reported by our clients. Each publication also provides the latest updates of the product catalogues used by the software.

We also encourage you to follow the HelpSystem documentation and our YouTube channel, where additional information about new functions and possibilities, described here, appears successively.

As part of the verification of the availability of new functions in your package, please pay attention to the range of modules available in your configuration. If your configuration does not include a complete set of modules, you may not be able to access some of the new features described here.

Revision 27.0 (planned date of publication 8.08.2024*)

* The scheduled date of publication may change. It is presented for information purposes only. InstalSoft is not obliged to release the publication on this date

Revision 26.7

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 26.6

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 26.5

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Improvement of an error related to missing cataloques in the project, caused by operating system updates,
  • Update of product catalogues,

Revision 26.4

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Improved program performance,
  • Update of product catalogues,

Revision 26.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 26.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Correction addressing the issue of a partial lock of the workspace in the 2D Editor when the monitor scaling is set to a value other than 100%,
  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 26.1See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • New function Align available in the context menu for selected group of floating labels allows to arrange overlapping labels and move them to the suitable location in the project,
  • Ability to precisely move vertically or horizontally with the keyboard arrows elements such as labels, receivers, heaters and sources. Key combination:
    • Alt + Shift + arrow – moves the selected elements from the distance of the gauge view unit,
    • Alt + Shift – moves the selected elements by a distance of 0.1 of the gauge view unit,
  • Update of product catalogues,

Revision 26.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

Ability to create additional and internal storey levels (new buttons Add additional storey level, Add internal storey level on the Storeys management tab in the General Data window) for intuitive and comprehensive modeling of buildings with shifted floors (e.g., stairwell, production hall with an adjacent office part, single-family houses with a lowered living room level, etc.). (watch the video)

  • Other features supporting work during the creation of building structures and installation design in buildings with multiple levels include:
    • When designing on plans, the user in the worksheet selection window sees both the main and additional and internal storey levels in tree form,
    • Each element (except Riser and Building countour elements) has the option in its Data Table to assign the element to the main, additional, and internal storey levels,
    • To facilitate orientation on which level we are designing – rooms located on levels other than the currently selected floor level have an appropriate graphical marker,
    • Devision of structural function, which divides walls, floors, roofs, and manual rooms along the specified cutting line,
    • Guide line that allows specifying a guide line and additional points for the AUTO mode before performing the Devision of structural function,
    • Starting point has the option: (BETA) Take additional storey levels into account. This function is a prototype function generating automatic developments considering the existence of additional levels,
    • Create internal storey level function, available for the Slab element under the right mouse button, which based on manually inserted slabs and then shifted by the deltaH value (marked Active checkbox) allows creating an internal level with the appropriate Hk value in the Storeys management window with a correct assignment of this slab to the newly created level,
    • Slabs (with Active status) can define an automatic room with their side wall. Thus, it is possible to create stairs or cascading floor slabs (example of an auditorium) from slab elements that appropriately define the shape of this room and its logical partitions,
    • Copying and pasting elements and entire sections of structures and installations, during pasting, the program correctly determines the assignment to the level in the Storey level field in the Data Table of copied elements. This applies to the Copy operation in the Storey management window, Copy selected elements on the storey above/below, and standard copying through the Copy/Paste and Copy with a base point operations. If the appropriate level is not found, the program assigns elements to the main floor level to which we paste the elements,


Detailed information (coming soon) on our HelpSystem platform, and we also invite you to a free webinar on this topic.

  • Copying with a base point (watch the video):
    • A new icon placed between the Copy and Paste buttons, allowing individual or group copying of construction and installation elements with the previous definition of a base point (e.g., intersection point of 2 lines on the substrate, end of the pipe-run, corner of the room, shadows of elements),
    • The function allows copying of structures and installations between floors,
    • The function allows copying of structures and installations between two projects. In this case, the user should have 2 editors open simultaneously in the same scope (it is recommended to keep the program always updated to the same version). Note: the copied fragment adjusts to the project template it is copied to – it is recommended to adjust the template before copying,
    • Intelligent connection of the copied installation – during the pasting operation of an installation containing loose pipe-run ends, the AUTO function is called for these loose ends to automatically connect them,
  • Window for performing Mirror and Rotate of construction and installation elements (watch the video):
    • Window appears when pasting elements from the clipboard,
    • Window allows specifying the angle of the mirror axis and the direction of horizontal or vertical reflection,
    • Window allows specifying the rotation angle,
    • Mirror and Rotate function works with both the Copy with a base point function and with standard copying and pasting of elements,
    • The window, in default screen layouts, is docked above the Data Table with the option to change the position of this window,
  • View Control Center – new features with buttons located at the bottom edge of the window on the left side. Buttons available for the 3D view window (watch the video):
    • Perspective view – the user can enable the project’s perspective mode with the ability to enter the interior of buildings,
    • Storeys levels visibility – the user can display the layout of storeys and levels defined in the Storey management window. The ability to define a custom style for components of this element is provided in the Component stylesBuildingStorey level,
  • Enhancements for the 3D view:
    • New shading and rendering method. The model is now more realistic with appropriate object shading,
    • New element selection method. Selected elements are drawn with a surrounding halo effect,
    • Progressive rendering. While navigating the model view, the program gradually removes and adds small objects, helping maintain a minimum frames per second for large projects or less powerful computers and preventing the visualization of the 3D model from freezing,
  • A tool for measuring the flat area on the plan is available, in addition the graphic elements Polygon, Rectangle, Ellipse have a readable area in the data table,


Building structure

  • Reorganization and improvement of the clarity of the main storey level, additional storey level, and internal storey level cross-section in terms of visualizing dimensions defined in Data table of these elements in the Storey management window,
  • Visualization of Heating/Cooling and Water supply sections in the cross-section located in the Storey management window,
  • Separation of the Correct wall connections button, which improves the connection if they were not correctly connected during their creation or modification. This function remains one of the basic options in the Correction of wall geometry window,
  • Diagnostic with Warnings rank, suggesting the user use the Correct wall connections function for incorrectly connected walls,
  • In the list of storey sheets for the 2D Editor window and 3D View, the coordinate of a given storey or level is displayed,
  • Improved calculation of Building Structure and improvements in the algorithm of interpreting rooms and partitions,
  • Ability to change the color of the dimension line,
  • New search criterion for selecting external walls, internal walls and mixed walls:partially external and internal (watch the video),


Schematic view

  • Improved operation Generate schematic view,
  • New screen arragement Schematic views,
  • Optimization of the deployment automatic pipe’s labels for all type of installations,
  • The possibility of hiding the pipe between the riser and the first junction and leading inastallations fragments directly to the left and right of the riser (watch the video),



IFC import bazowy

IFC (BIM) import basis / IFC (BIM) building data interpretation

  • Create an additional storey level between selected slabs/roofs from the IFC file function, which creates a layout of Additional storey levels on the prior selection of horizontal structural partitions (slabs/roofs) from the IFC file,
  • Create internal storey level function, available for the Slab element under the right mouse button, which for slabs interpreted from the IFC file that do not match the layout in Storey management window (unchecked Active checkbox) allows creating an internal level with the appropriate Hs value in the Storey management window with a correct assignment of this slab to the newly created level,
systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • The label of the element Source contains the field Water volume of the system in the Technical data section, the value is determined during the calculation,
  • The function Copy selected elements to multiple storeys allows the selective selection of storeys from the list,
  • The sizing of pipe insulation according to the normative values shown in the general data has been updated. For this purpose, a Pipe-run has an additional data Location for insulation purposes, the value of which affects the required insulation thickness. The initial value of this parameter is set automatically, but checking it is recommended and imposing this location manually if necessary, or dividing the pipe-run into many,
  • In the neutral pipe catalogues, Zeta coefficients of the return tees have been updated to comply with DIN 1988-300. This may result in a noticeable increase in the pressure drop of thermal and hot water circulation circuits.
systemy chlodnicze

Cooling systems

  • The label of the element Source contains the field Water volume of the system in the Technical data section, the value is determined during the calculation,
  • The function Copy selected elements to multiple storeys allows the selective selection of storeys from the list,
  • The sizing of pipe insulation according to the normative values shown in the general data has been updated. For this purpose, a Pipe-run has an additional data Location for insulation purposes, the value of which affects the required insulation thickness. The initial value of this parameter is set automatically, but checking it is recommended and imposing this location manually if necessary, or dividing the pipe-run into many,
  • In the neutral pipe catalogues, Zeta coefficients of the return tees have been updated to comply with DIN 1988-300. This may result in a noticeable increase in the pressure drop of thermal and hot water circulation circuits.
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • Automatic detection of linear thermal bridges (after selecting the Automatic – based on the thermal model option in the Thermal bridges calculation method field on the Calculation standards and options tab in the General data window) and including them in thermal calculations of partitions and the building (watch the video),
  • Possibility to include point thermal bridges (after selecting the Automatic – based on the thermal model option in the Thermal bridges calculation method field on the Calculation standards and options tab in the General data window) in thermal calculations of partitions and the building (watch the video),
  • Adaptation of the program architecture for recognizing logical partitions within the scope of H&E (T) when working with additional storey levels and internal storey levels,
  • Modification of the determination of the average building depression considering all ordinates declared in the graphical ground model,
  • Improved identifying partitions partially below the ground line,
  • Improved ergonomics of editing the building thermal model (watch the video):
    • Highlighting of partitions with unassigned definition in the Project Browser,
    • Ability to assign definitions to partitions selected in the building’s thermal model on the 2D Editor or on the 3D View,



systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • Reorganization of icons in the Radiant gallery (watch the video):
    • New big Division and expansion joint button grouping tools and functions for dividing surfaces and introducing expansion joints,
    • New big and more readable 32×32 icons instead of small 16×16 icons,
    • New detailed descriptions of each function under the Division and expansion button make it easier to use the right tool,
    • Manifold table, Structure cross section drawing, Mixer / control unit chart icons are now located in the Labels and graphics gallery,
  • New Expansion joint function allows you to insert an expansion joint of any length on any edge of the Heating/cooling floor zone (watch the video),
  • In the data table of Manifold table, a Volumetric flow rate [l/min] is available in the column,
stacje mieszkaniowe

Flat stations

  • Change of the method of determining the Vs volumetric flow rate of cold water in the installation supplying flat station, if the V̇HW Appartment value entered in the flat station data is lower than the Vs value of the hot water flow required behind flat station according to the calculations of the water supply standard,
  • Change of the method of determining the Vs volumetric flow rate of hot water behind flat station, if the V̇HW Appartment value entered in the flat station data is lower than the Vs value of the hot water flow required behind flat station calculated according to the water supply standard.
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • Improved operation Generate schematic view for installations with circulation,
  • The function Copy selected elements to multiple storeys allows the selective selection of storeys from the list,
  • The element Double apartment manifold for hot and cold water is available,
  • The sizing of pipe insulation according to the normative values shown in the general data has been updated. For this purpose, a Pipe-run has an additional data Location for insulation purposes, the value of which affects the required insulation thickness. The initial value of this parameter is set automatically, but checking it is recommended and imposing this location manually if necessary, or dividing the pipe-run into many,
  • In the neutral pipe catalogues, Zeta coefficients of the return tees have been updated to comply with DIN 1988-300. This may result in a noticeable increase in the pressure drop of thermal and hot water circulation circuits,
  • Installation with flat station:
    • Change of the method of determining the Vs volumetric flow rate of cold water in the installation supplying flat station, if the V̇HW Appartment value entered in the flat station data is lower than the Vs value of the hot water flow required behind flat station according to the calculations of the water supply standard,
    • Change of the method of determining the Vs volumetric flow rate of hot water behind flat station, if the V̇HW Appartment value entered in the flat station data is lower than the Vs value of the hot water flow required behind flat station calculated according to the water supply standard.
instalacje kanalizacyjne dostepny wkrotce

Domestic wastewater gravity systems

  • Improvements in the leading of sanitary sewage instalations,
  • The function Copy selected elements to multiple storeys allows the selective selection of storeys from the list,
  • In the label of the Pipe-run, it is possible to display the elevation data of a pipe axis or the bottom of a pipe,
  • Possibility of automatic connection of the Air admittance valve to a drainage pipe-run running below (watch the video),
  • In the storey data, instead of a number indicating the distance of the drainage network from the ceiling, there is a clearer selection list, supported in two cases by distance setting (watch the video),
  • For junctions joining two or more pipe-runs to the stack, which are not visualised due to incorrect selection or overlapping of fittings, the contextual operation Split the junction on the basis of sized main fittings is available. After checking the connections, the junction will be split into two separate ones,



Rainwater gravity systems

  • Introduction of the rainwater drainage module as a separate project scope, with a status of ‘BETA’, as it is not yet complete. It is possible to create and calculate the project, print or export projection drawings to DWG, obtain a bill of materials. Automatic schematic views, IFC export and some results tables will be completed in release 27 (watch the video),

Revision 25.6

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 25.5

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 25.4

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 25.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 25.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 25.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 25.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Many improvements to improve the ergonomics of searching for elements (watch the video):
    • New text field in the Project Browser for searching criteria or elements by their symbols
    • All search criteria from the Search window are available with the right mouse button,
    • The ability to pin the most frequently used search criteria in the Project Browser and Search window,
    • Quickly collapse branches in the Project Browser to the selected level,
  • During the import of a PDF underlay (bitmap or vector), the user can specify the import method and preview the loaded PDF underlay (watch the video):
    • When importing an underlay from a multi-page PDF file, it is possible to indicate which page should be imported. Previewing the content of the selected page facilitates the choice,
  • View Control Center – a new panel with buttons located at the bottom edge of the window on the left side. The buttons allow detailed control of the scope and display mode of graphics (watch the video):
    • Buttons available for 3D view
      • Edges view of the 3D model,
      • View mode,
      • Elements’ shadows,
      • View rotation animation,
      • Workspace background color,
      • Construction elements’ visibility,
      • Label visualizations,
      • Installation elements’ visibility,
    • Buttons available for 2D editor
      • Workspace background color,
      • Label visualizations,
      • Installation elements’ visibility,
  • A junction and a detached junction on automatic schematic view are now separate elements in style list and have independently configured labels,
  • New function to control the order of installations fragments supplied from the manifolds in heating and tap water installations on schematic view,
  • Improved operation of Generate schematic view algorithm,
  • Improved the Export DWG/DXF file function,
  • Changes in the appearance of the Storeys management window (related to ongoing work enabling comprehensive design based on shifted storeys in Release 26.0) in terms of:
    • Storey list and differentiation of Storey and Main storey level (blue storey indicator),
    • Storey layout visualization (refreshed appearance, use of color markers, etc.),
    • New organization of the Storey and Main storey level elements in the Data Table of these elements (no change to the previously available data),
  • Search windowRoom element: added search criteria based on Room type,


Building structure

  • Disabled ability to create storey ranges (button Generate Storeys: Create new storeys),

Starting from Release 25.0 – InstalSystem 5 software does not support the architecture related to storey ranges. Projects from previous releases containing storey range structures display a message when the project is opened, stating that the project contains storey ranges that are not supported in this version of the software, and that it should be continued in the previous software version, with no possibility of further work on such a file in Release 25.0. Such a project can be transformed into a single storey and continued in Release 25.0. In case of any problems, please contact our technical support department.

The lack of support is due to ongoing work enabling comprehensive design based on shifted storeys in Release 26.0. The Generate Storeys button will be restored in Release 25.1,

  • The Position section of elements such as Wall, Room, etc., has received a new, expanded way of presenting the available ordinate values from the selectable list, along with a marker indicating whether the ordinate applies to the lower or upper edge of the slab defining the storey,
  • Improvements related to the creation of Dormer elements (watch the video):
    • Handling of dormers spanning two or more storeys,
    • Ability to merge front walls in the case of two-storey dormers,
    • Support for dormers extending beyond the roof outline (placing the roof in the location of the protruding part beyond the actual roof outline is required for generating such a dormer by the Building Structure calculations),
    • Correct handling of logical walls and room volumes,
  • AUTO mode has been disabled for RoomRoom, RoomBuilding contour and Building contourBuilding contour elements located on the same storey. The possibility of snapping to the shadows of these elements (above/below the storey) has been retained,



eksport konstrukcji budynku dostepny wkrotce

IFC (BIM) building structure elements export / IFC (BIM) heating/cooling system export / IFC (BIM) tap water system export / IFC (BIM) sewage system export


systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • New by-pass pipe-run possible to be inserted between the supply and return pipe-run as well as a bypass on the supply or return pipe-run,
  • During the creation of the Pipe-run visualization and its Insulation, the program utilizes the complete insulation data available in the catalogs,



systemy chlodnicze

Cooling systems

  • New by-pass pipe-run possible to be inserted between the supply and return pipe-run as well as a bypass on the supply or return pipe-run,
  • During the creation of the Pipe-run visualization and its Insulation, the program utilizes the complete insulation data available in the catalogs,
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • New view of Partition definitions in the form of a drop-down tree, grouped within partition types (watch the video),
  • New function of selecting partitions with a given definition in the thermal partition model (watch the video),
  • New search criteria for partitions with automatically or manually assigned partition structure (watch the video),
  • Further development, improvements and corrections for DIN/TS 12831-1:2020-04,
  • Further optimization of generating logical partitions,



instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • New types of water hygiene stations added to Uponor catalogues,
  • During the creation of the Pipe-run visualization and its Insulation, the program utilizes the complete insulation data available in the catalogs,
  • In the Results editing options, a new feature has been introduced to extract the material list for both Under designed and existing elements in the report. This functionality is similar to the one available for Heating and Cooling systems,
rozszerzenia obliczen instalacji wodociagowych

Tap water extensions

  • Adaptation of hot water output time calculation to the characteristics of Uponor pipes,
instalacje kanalizacyjne dostepny wkrotce

Domestic wastewater gravity systems

  • Extended possibilities of controlling the elevation of pipe-run connection to the stack (watch the video),
  • The elevation of sewage outlet, in earlier versions only imposed, can now also be determined automatically in such a way as to ensure the continuity and correct gradients of the drainage network pipe-runs,
  • Diagnostics on the correctness of angles of pipe-runs that join in a junction allows verification of the selection of fittings. Junctions, which have warnings about exceeding the tolerance of these angles, do not visualise the fittings in 3D model by default.  This visualisation can be switched on optionally, the fittings will then be presented in a different style,
  • New fitting elements – sewer inspection and wastewater backflow preventer,
  • In the Results editing options, a new feature has been introduced to extract the material list for both Under designed and existing elements in the report. This functionality is similar to the one available for Heating and Cooling systems,


  • For the mobile application, the option to hiding the field (asterisk) results for the Valve setting position, along with explanatory text, has been enabled. A manufacturer with a custom company application has the possibility to contact InstalSoft to enable or disable this feature. The Valve setting results are available when opening the project from the mobile application in the InstalSystem 5 application,

Revision 24.4

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 24.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • New catalogs of building materials have been updated with modern materials currently used in construction for all InstalSystem 5 packages:
    • For the German and Austrian markets – in German language (new)
    • For the Polish market – in Polish language (update)
    • For other markets (including EN INT) – in English language (new)
  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 24.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 24.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 24.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

Presentation of the elements, common functions:

  • Improved rotation function for perpendicular pipe-run’s label
  • In the company versions requiring the usage of a minimum amount of manufacturer’s pipes, a notification icon is visible in the catalogue selection window, which has a hint indicating the required shares of such pipes
  • Vector PDF Drawing/underlay support: (watch the video)
    • In the PDF Data Table, it is now possible to choose a method between: Vector method (default choice for new projects created since release 24.0) and Bitmap method (default choice for projects created before 24.0 release)
    • AUTO mode support for Vector PDF underlays
    • Available options for controlling the Colors for layers and Visible Layers parameters, Layers for AUTO mode (when the program recognizes such a possibility)
    • Support for Move underlay function
    • The first loading of a PDF underlay scales the 2D editor to the size of the underlay
  • View manipulator (next to the navigation cube) for 3D view, which allows you to rotate the view without changing its angle
  • Acceleration of turning off/on storeys in 3D view
  • Speeding up group selection of elements using the “Project Browser” window
  • Ability to search and group/ungroup selected diagnostic messages (‘Settings’ window, ‘Messages’ tab)
  • Improved export to DWG

Building structure:

  • New building elements view for the Project Browser which: (watch the video)
    • Lists and groups all structural elements existing in the project
    • Allows them to be easily hidden, made visible, selected
    • Presents basic information about elements allowing their identification
  • Diagnostics that graphically (2D editor, 3D view) and text (Diagnostics window) recognizes suspicious situations of horizontal partitions that are the reason for not closing/not recognizing the automatic room (watch the video)
  • Diagnostics of incorrect Opening in slab: (watch the video)
    • Warning for situations like – openings exceed the contour of the room/openings entering the walls
    • Error for the situation of the type – overlapping of opening edges, opening edge is tangential to the slab edge, opening extending beyond the slab contour
  • Dormer is inserted as a flat dormer by default
  • Changed the rank of It has been detected that wall may not be in contact with roof or slab. Probably room was not generated diagnostic from Hint to Warning
  • Shortening the names of selected fields in the Data table of selected structural elements
  • Optimization of connecting and disconnecting multi-story walls (moving walls when connecting walls on different storeys)
  • Optimization of the Automatic walls, slabs and roofs function in terms of generating thin walls representing, for example, a Curtain Wall element
  • Join roofs and Join slabs functions that combine multiple roofs/slabs on a given storey into one element after selecting these elements (see more IFC (BIM) interpretation of building data)
  • New functions for Corrections of wall geometry (see more IFC (BIM) building data interpretation)
  • As a result of optimizing the algorithm, the calculation time of the building structure was significantly reduced in some cases (even by several dozen percent)
IFC import bazowy

IFC (BIM) import basis

  • Project browser for IFC – Segregation mode by IFC Type, the program allows you to switch between the following modes: Full view, Simplified view, Types view (new)
  • The Search window for the Underlay scope displays descriptions of IFC objects
  • The IFC object Data table displays all object data and parameters that go with these objects. The Data table creates an automatic view of parameters by their category (e.g. Location & Geometry, Pset_)
  • 3D length measure/dimension line tool for IFC models which has AUTO mode for edges of IFC objects
  • The first load of an IFC model scales the 2D editor and 3D view to the size of the IFC model


The news described for this module are presented in the video available on the YouTube Global channel – SEE VIDEO

IFC interpretacja danych budynku

IFC (BIM) building data interpretation

  • Automatic recognition of storeys by the function Create storeys from IFC file correctly recognizes the situation with a sloping roof
  • When interpreting the ifcSlab/ifcRoof objects, the program informs and, if possible, merges the objects into one, creating a Slab with the correct openings and a Roof with its appropriate edges
  • Correction of wall geometry has been extended with functions supporting the processing of IFC models:
    • Align walls to storey elevations function with the possibility of defining tolerance
    • Ability to Merge walls tangents in parallel (BETA)
  • Regenerate solid of the room function available under the right mouse button for 2D editor/3D view – allows you to align selected rooms recognized on the ifcSpace basis to the storey elevations


The news described for this module are presented in the video available on the YouTube Global channel – SEE VIDEO

eksport konstrukcji budynku dostepny wkrotce

IFC (BIM) building structure elements export / IFC (BIM) heating/cooling system export / IFC (BIM) tap water system export / IFC (BIM) sewage system export

  • Expansion of the IFC file export window with the Coordinates transformation field, the user can choose to export the installation/structure to the IFC4 format:
    • Neglecting transformation – selection None
    • Performing an export based on the coordinates of the selected IFC model (default selection)
    • By specifying the values imposed by defining the xyz coordinate shift
  • Possibility to export insulation (Lagging) to IFC4 format
    • Elements are sub-elements of the given IfcPipeSegment element to which the Lagging belongs
    • Export performed according to the defined insulation style for 3D view
    • It is possible to disable the export insulations from the Element layer level
systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • Possibility of presentation on 2D and 3D view pipes insulation (lagging)
  • Increased tolerance for generating a message that the parameters of the differential pressure regulator do not match the needs
  • Rules for the calculation of pressure drops in T-pieces harmonized with the water supply module
  • Raising the priority of the message “The controller delivers too low differential pressure XXX kPa for a circuit requiring YYY kPa” from warning to error
systemy chlodnicze

Cooling systems

  • Possibility of presentation on 2D and 3D view pipes insulation (lagging)
  • Raising the priority of the message “The controller delivers too low differential pressure XXX kPa for a circuit requiring YYY kPa” from warning to error”
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • Correct generation of internal and external thermal walls included in heat transmission calculations in case of roof slopes at different levels
  • Possibility of printing or exporting the ventilation air flow diagram presented in the ‘H&E(V)’ edit scope
  • New folder favorite in building materials catalogs
  • Improvements of marking partitions in the H&E window by moving the magnifying glass next to the column of selection/modification the partition definition
  • Assigning partition definitions to the logical partition model is also performed during Computation of building structure, allowing faster relapses in the case of changes in the building structure without the need to perform Full calculations including Computation of building structure and Thermal calculations of building each time
  • Further development, improvements and corrections for DIN/TS 12831-1:2020-04 (BETA)
dobor grzejnikow

Radiators sizing

  • Possibility of exclusion of sub-folders (e.g. selected thicknesses or heights) or indicated radiator sizes from the sizing. For this, the option “user tables” should be selected
  • Possibility to differentiate the size limits for bathroom radiators and other radiators. The values are located on two separate tabs
  • In the data table of the left and right integrated radiators, in the selection list for the “Anchor” field, the option “Centre” is also available for selection
systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • Improved drawings of pipe loops around openings cut for poles, kitchen islands, etc.
  • the internal error appearing at the connection of pipe feeds with the heating/cooling loop has been eliminated
ulozenie plyt systemu suchego

Dry system boards arrangement

  • When copying a group of selected boards, pressing the TAB key moves the snap point along the outer points of the copied set
  • Using the F3 function key to insert another board remembers not only the type of previously used board, but also the previously indicated snap point and the orientation of the board
  • The “Room charts” printout presents also the layout of the dry system boards in the room
stacje mieszkaniowe

Flat stations

    • Two new methods of sizing network supplying flat stations: DIN 4708 and VDI 2072
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • Possibility of presentation on 2D and 3D view pipes insulation (lagging)
  • The sanitary appliances library includes double and group washbasins, as well as WC variants with different outlet directions
  • Values for the “Zeta” coefficients of the tees in neutral catalogues comply with DIN 1988-300
instalacje kanalizacyjne dostepny wkrotce

Domestic wastewater gravity systems

  • The sanitary appliances library includes double and group washbasins, as well as WC variants with different outlet directions
  • Possibility of inserting a “Running trap” element to the pipe-runs, either in the projection, model or automatic schematic view. The element type must be selected from the catalogue before calculation, as it can be realized with various fittings
  • Possibility of creating stacks with deviations (between different floors), required due to the geometry of the building or the need to slow down the sewage in high buildings (watch the video)
  • Improved visualisation of fittings in pipe-run nodes, in the case of tees with different angles
  • New variants of stacks with bypass ventilation
  • Improvement of the control of the connection points of waste branch / common waste branch to the wastewater gravity system
przetwarzanie zestawienia materialow

Material list processing

  • Products marked in the catalogue as “any manufacturer” can be excluded from the export of the bill of materials.


  • Since publication 24.0, the mobile application is supported by systems Android 9.0 and later

Revision 23.6

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 23.5

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 23.4

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 23.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 23.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 23.1See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

Building structure:

  • Improved diagnostics of Slabs intersecting the Roof element
  • Acceleration and optimization of the algorithm responsible for Computation of building structure


Presentation of the elements, common functions:

  • Possibility to hide unused edit scopes in a given project (e.g. Ceiling and Loop drawings-ceiling in projects containing only underfloor heating)
  • Change of default position of labels for selected elements on plan views (watch the movie)
  • Modification of the styles of elements of the following types: Roof, Ground, Dormer, Slab for 2D editor in terms of color and drawing line type
  • Clarification of hints for elements defined in the General data window, on the Storeys management tab, in the Position and Sizes sections
  • Improved display of colors in dark mode
  • Additional 3D view window for the needs of:
    • BIM modules (import and interpretation)
    • Creation of building structure and execution Thermal calculation of building
    • Optimizing the design of different types of installations in one project
  • Two new commands Visible in 3D view (alt+1) / Hide in 3D view (alt+2) which:
    • Responsible for the visibility of elements in 3D view (applies to elements in the scope Underlay (IFC) and Construction, which have the Visible field in Data table)
    • They improve the ergonomics of hiding IFC elements, which are not to be later interpreted into native elements of the structure
    • They have been added as default functions under the right mouse button (Popup menu) and have hotkeys assigned by default
  • Improved operation of Generate schematic view algorithm for direction of generated branches
  • Improved the Export DWG/DXF file function
  • Ability to give names to the exported DWG/DXF files, which  e.g facilitates the export of drawings with different ranges of exported layers from the program.
  • Search in certain fields in the General Data window


  • Update of product catalogues
IFC interpretacja danych budynku

IFC (BIM) import basis / IFC (BIM) building data interpretation

  • Reorganization of the icons for importing the IFC model, creating a storeys based on an IFC file and interpreting elements from an IFC file
  • Import and interpretation of the ifcSpace element via the Creates rooms from an IFC file function (watch the movie)
    • The new function creates native elements of the InstalSystem 5 package of the Room (Manual) type in the editing scope Construction
    • The function transfers the Description and Symbol assigned by the architect to the newly created room
    • The newly created room can be further modified, including changing its shape, position, division or deletion
    • The spaces created in this way can be further used to generate structural partitions using the Automatic walls, ceilings and roofs function as an alternative (or supporting) path for obtaining thermal partitions based on the interpretation of structural elements from the IFC file
  • New search criteria for the Search window – Underlay scope:
    • Invisible (inactive/hidden) – allows you to select and display IFC elements that have been hidden and thus are not subject to interpretation
    • Top surface greater than – a criterion that facilitates finding ifcSlab, ifcRoof elements that can define storeys when using the function: Create storeys between selected slabs/roofs from IFC file
  • Correction of wall geometryCorrect wall connections removes self-contained walls, which may result from defining walls that contain one another in the IFC model and their subsequent interpretation in the program to native elements such as Wall / Curtain wall
eksport konstrukcji budynku dostepny wkrotce

IFC (BIM) building structure elements export

  • Extending the scope of exported construction elements with ifcSpace (watch the movie)
    • Export of Room (Manual) / Room (Automatic) elements existing in the project (also previously interpreted from ifcSpace objects)
    • Parameterization of exported rooms in terms of technical and calculation data (several parameters with units)
  • Supplement with technical and calculation parameters of the ifcBuilding element
eksport instalacji grzewczej i chlodzacej IFC

IFC (BIM) heating/cooling/tap water system export

  • Parameterization of the IFC4 export of elements of the following types: RHC loop, Double apartment manifold, Valve in the range Heating systems, Cooling systems, Water systems. The listed items are exported along with:
    • Technical parameters
    • Calculation parameters
      thus supplementing the existing parameterization of the Pipe-run element (including Pipe feed and Riser) and the entire Radiant systems module (watch the movie)
eksport instalacji kanalizacyjnej IFC

IFC (BIM) sewage system export

eksport instalacji wodociagowej IFC

IFC (BIM) heating/cooling/tap water/sewage system export

  • All items are exported with the catalog number of a given item as CatalogCode if they contain such a catalog code (watch the movie)
systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • Possibility to generate a list of installation elements per storey or per building unit (watch the movie)
  • Change of diagnostics message “Control valve does not provide proper pressure for circuit supplied (avail. press. > ??)” priority from error to warining
  • In the label of a Pipe-run element the ordinate at the point of the label can be presented. The value presented depends on the insertion point on the pipe-run
  • The Differential pressure controller has the possibility of defining a so-called “successor” with regard to the range of the stabilised differential pressure. If it is not possible to obtain the required differential pressure from the type indicated in the data, the program tries to select a successor
  • In the general data: Distribution system / Types and default data, declare the default type of manifold, which will be taken for the double manifolds inserted into the range Convectional. These manifolds may be not from catalogues, or from pipe and fitting catalogues, where manifold kits and cabinets may be declared for them, as for manifolds for radiant systems
  • The data of a Riser element, changed in the data table before its insertion, automatically becomes the default data of any subsequent
  • New functions Copy selected elements to multiple storeys above and Copy selected elements to multiple storeys below (watch the movie)
  • New Reduction point element available on the ribbon in the Distribution – thermal installations group allows to reduce the flow in the installation (from the place of its insertion towards the source)
systemy chlodnicze

Cooling systems

  • Possibility to generate a list of installation elements per storey or per building unit (watch the movie)
  • New Reduction point element available on the ribbon in the Distribution – thermal installations group allows to reduce the flow in the installation (from the place of its insertion towards the source)
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • New DIN / TS 12821-1: 2020-04 standard (BETA version) available in the selected packages
systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • Possibility to generate a list of installation elements per storey or per building unit (watch the movie)
  • Possibility to set minimum flow velocity in a loop, separately for floor, wall and ceiling systems (watch the movie)
  • Possibility to set and modify the supply temperature directly in the Interactive radiant systems calculations window (watch the movie)
  • New column in the Interactive radiant systems calculations window informing about the character of the flow (laminar/turbulent) (watch the movie)
  • Possibility to set in the Interactive radiant systems calculations window a temperature drop beyond the limit values ​​defined in the general data or set individually for the edited Heating/Cooling Zone
  • New tool Cutting holes for cutting out fragments inside floors or ceilings (for kitchen islands, columns etc.) (watch the movie)
  • Unified method of determining the distance of the first pipe-feed and the first loop from the edge of Heating/Cooling zone.
  • New type of element Heating/cooling floor zone: With return temp. limiter fed from radiator return. Must be fed from the radiator return in the same room using the Serial connection element, and is not subject to automatic subdivision. There must be a return temperature limiter on the return pipe-run to the source (watch the movie)
systemy panelowe

Panel systems

  • The Wall panel does not offer the possibility of mirror reflection (“Flip”) and has a visually distinguished plane facing the room
  • In the data sheet of the Wall panel element it is possible to block its rotation in the vertical plane, in order to ensure that in the project the panel is always oriented in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements
ulozenie plyt systemu suchego

Dry system boards arrangement

  • Thorough improvement of the module in order to improve the ergonomics and speed of arranging boards of the dry system (watch the movie) by:
    • new function that automatically fills the indicated area with boards of a given type
    • better control of the selection of the snap point (coarse or more precise)
    • graphic indication of an active snap point
    • possibility to rotate the board before inserting
    • the possibility of precise shifting or adjusting the inserted boards in relation to the horizontal and vertical axis
    • possibility of precise cutting of boards fragments
  • Improved alignment of automatically generated loop drawings with the grooves in the boards (watch the movie)
stacje mieszkaniowe

Flat stations

  • New dedicated print page Elements in flat stations enabling the analysis of routes and hydraulic circuits inside flat station (watch the movie)
  • Calculations and presentation in the results the required heat output of the source supplying flat stations during the summer period (watch the movie)
  • Improved determination of the required minimum pressure ahead flat station
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • Possibility to generate a list of installation elements per storey or per building unit (watch the movie)
  • In the label of the Pipe-run element it is possible to present the ordinate at the point of the label. The presented value depends on the label insertion point on the pipe-run
  • Possible connection the element Expansion vessel to cold water pipe-runs
  • The data of the Riser element, changed in the data table before its insertion, automatically becomes the default data of any subsequent riser
  • New functions Copy selected elements to multiple storeys above and Copy selected elements to multiple storeys below (watch the movie)
instalacje kanalizacyjne dostepny wkrotce

Domestic wastewater gravity systems

  • A connection point between pipe-runs is named Junction and has its own data table specifying how it is implemented (built of available fittings)
  • A Junction can have an inserted label. The label can show the fittings which form the connection
  • The fittings selected in Junction elements can, if correctly selected, be visualised in the model or in a projection, in a simplified or natural way. This requires the use of an adapted catalogue of pipes and fittings, with extended information on the dimensions of the fittings. Such catalogues are highlighted by a special icon when selecting catalogues for the project. The visualisation is activated in the project general data: Component appearance configuration Drawing options (watch the movie)
  • In the label of a Pipe-run element, the ordinate at the point of the label can be presented. The value presented depends on the label insertion point on the pipe-run, which is important because of the occurrence of pipe-runs gradients. The ordinates and distances from the floor for the start and end point of the pipe-run are also available
  • The field Maximum gradient has been added to the data table of the <Pipe-run> element. In “Auto” mode it is taken from the general project data. By changing it individually for selected pipe-runs, it is possible to avoid the short vertical sections generated in some places while maintaining a single maximum gradient
  • Element Stack added to Project Viewer module
  • Clearer and supplemented with arguments (e.g. value of required angle) messages about missing (not sized) elements of the junctions
  • Data of the element Stack, changed in the data table before its insertion, becomes automatically the default data of each following one
  • New element Connection of other drainage installation allows faster creation and recalculation of large projects with repetitive plumbing blocks (but their components are not included in the bill of materials)
  • The Stack element in the Drainage , Drainage ventilation configuration has the possibility of automatically generating pipe-runs which form the structure of a parallel ventilation: connectors between the drainage and ventilation sections, an additional riser on the lowest floors, etc. The necessary geometrical parameters must be defined in the stack data table. This function requires the connection of the stack to the waste water network and the connection of the sanitary appliances. This feature is in Beta stage and will be further developed  (watch the movie)
  • New functions Copy selected elements to multiple storeys above and Copy selected elements to multiple storeys below (watch the movie)
przetwarzanie zestawienia materialow

Material list processing

  • Improved sorting of Bill of materials after export to UGS format
  • GAEB export – included dimension/diameter information


Revision 22.6

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 22.5

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 22.4

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 22.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 22.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 22.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 22.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Mode Dark and Mode Light – the ability to switch between two modes (Settings – Screen appearance) for the application (watch the movie)
  • New element Curtain Wall for the range Construction – Inserts a vertical curtain wall having thermal, visual and functional functions: (watch the video)
    • Ability to manually insert an item from the toolbar
    • Possibility to interpret the ifcCurtainWall element from IFC2x3 and IFC4 files to the native Curtain Wall element
    • Ability to convert the Wall element to the Curtain Wall element (and vice versa) from the Data table window
    • Dedicated Element style: default Thickness, appearance for 2D editor3D view
    • Improved way of connecting elements Wall with Curtain Wall for correct visualization (transverse walls, structural columns)
    • IFC4 export of Curtain Wall element to ifcCurtainWall
  • New function Trim slab (by roof element) in section Slab/Opening – Trims the outer part of the slab element with the roof element after selecting these elements: (watch the movie)
    • The elements Slab and Roof, which intersect each other are diagnosed and listed
  • Possibility to enable visualization of the area in the room defined by the Floor thickness and False ceiling fields for 3D view: (watch the movie)
    • Possibility to define the degree of darkening of the area (General data – Component styles – Room)
  • Expansion of the diagnostics of the operation Automatic walls, slabs and roofs – incorrectly defined areas of the Room and Building contour elements are diagnosed and listed
  • Snap mode (AUTO) for Room and Building contour in view mode Shadow of a storey above / Shadow of a storey below for the same objects in 2D editor
  • The condition of having to completely cover (with its entire area) the vertical walls with the element has been loosened (the solid tightness condition must be maintained in order to generate the Room (Automatic) element)
  • The function Correct wall connections in the Correction of wall geometry window corrects the intersecting walls indicated in the Diagnostics window (e.g. from structure interpretation from IFC files) (watch the movie)
  • New option Riser determines direction of schematic view. For the selected option, the laying direction of branches on the schematic view takes into account the viewpoint indicator (the front of the element) of the Riser. Program locates the branches departing from the Riser on the appropriate side of the Riser. Control of the option is available in the Data table for the item Starting point
  • Possibility to generate schematic views of installations with virtual connections to heating and cooling zones
  • Improved operation of Generate schematic view algorithm
  • Correct connection of the pipe-runs to vertical pipe-runs within one storey without the need to use the Riser
  • Ability to impose dimensions in Data table for Rectangle and Ellipse elements
  • The new window Elements layers allows to control the scope of elements exported to DWG / DXF formats, generally at the level of entire editing ranges, and more specifically at the level of individual elements
  • The new Prefix for layers option allows to give an individual prefix to layers created by InstalSystem 5 and exported to DWG format
  • Possibility to choose the option Export labels as blocks or Export labels as basic elements for drawings exported to DWG / DXF format
  • The exported drawings to the dwg / dxf formats contain all the graphics. Elements such as LogoStructure cross section drawingManifold tableMixer / control unit chart are currently not exported to separate files when exporting
IFC interpretacja danych budynku

IFC (BIM) building data interpretation

  • Support for import and interpretation of Curtain Wall element (see more Base module) (watch the movie)
  • Optimizing the interpretation of IFC elements to native InstalSoft elements:
    • Improved interpretation (Creates walls from an IFC file function)
    • Improved interpretation (Creates roofs from an IFC file function)
    • Support for interpretation (Creates windows, doors, and wall openings from an IFC file function) of the Roof window element
    • Diagnostics of ifcWall diamond-shaped interpretation, the Diagnostics window indicates elements that have not been interpreted
eksport instalacji grzewczej i chlodzacej IFC

IFC (BIM) building structure elements export / IFC (BIM) heating/cooling system export / IFC (BIM) tap water system export

  • Support for exporting the Curtain Wall element (see more Base module) (watch the movie)
  • Parameterization of the IFC4 export of pipe-run(s) from the scope Heating systemsCooling systemsWater supply systems. The Pipe-run element is exported together with:
    • Technical parameters
    • Catalogue code element
    • Calculation parameters
  • Added the filtering condition for the export of elements to IFC4 in the IFC file export – Elements layers window:
    • Automatic selection / deselection of elements that are common to another scope of the project
    • Depending on the configuration of the license for precise control of the actually exported items
  • Optimization of the result files for the selected Export labels to IFC file function
systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • Pipe-run type may be added to the results in the label of the Pipe-run, as in the Tap water systems module
  • Distance from floor or Elevation may be added to the labels of the following elements: ManifoldMixerTerminal unitRadiatorExpansion vesselLow loss headerSourceHydraulic control loopFlat station
  • Element Buffer tank, connected in a similar way as a Low loss header
  • In the data sheet of Radiator, the field Anchor has been added, allowing to select a point that does not change position after sizing
  • New division in List of radiators, taking into account the side of the radiator connection (connection – right/left/other)
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • New type of partition Curtain wall / plate (see more Base module) (watch the movie)
  • Improvements by Part. with defined layers: (watch the video)
    • Possibility to sort building materials in the area of ​​columns by their properties
    • Improvement of the building materials search engine and moving it to the bottom of the window
  • Define in (General data – Heat losses data) the field Minimum area of thermal partition to be included in calculations: (watch the video)
    • Diagnostics of partitions (in the rank of Hints), which were automatically unchecked for the field Consider in calculations
    • New Element style for partitions not included in calculations for 2D editor and 3D view (range H&E(T))
  • Possibility of sorting thermal partitions in the area of ​​columns by their properties (e.g. VaUΦT), which participate in determining the load for the Room element in the H&E window (watch the movie)
  • Improvement of the algorithm that automatically creates thermal partitions from structural elements (especially the element in relation to vertical walls, the thermal model of arch walls has improved)
systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • Improvements of Interactive radiant systems calculations window (watch video):
    • Prompt results recalculation after deltaT (temperature drop in a loop) modification
    • Presentation of manifolds in the tree in the left part of the window
    • Presentation of settings on manifolds (on valves/flowmeters)
    • Presentation of coverings
  • Ability to configure the contents of the Manifold table element, by selecting or deselecting items in the lists in it’s data table
  • Possibility to search for Heating/Cooling area or Heating/Cooling Zone elements by the value of the Type field, e.g. Without pipes
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • Element Priority valve
  • Distance from floor or Elevation can be added to the labels of the following elements: ManifoldExpansion vessel, SourceHeaterFlat stationPressure boosting deviceMixing valve
instalacje kanalizacyjne dostepny wkrotce

Sewage systems

  • Publication of the first version of the commercial module Sewage systems, covering the design of gravity sewage systems for domestic use. This version allows you to design installations with direct stack ventilation and ventilation manifolds. Bypass ventilation is scheduled to be introduced in future publications as a free update. Also, the next publications will introduce full control over the configuration of the pipe-run nodes, i.e. where they are connected (watch the video)


  • New, redesigned and refreshed look / interface of the application:
    • Adapted to smartphones and tablets
    • Scalable for different screen sizes
    • Support for vertical and horizontal layout
    • Significantly improved ergonomics in terms of buttons, icons, defining / entering / correcting input data, visibility and accessibility to specific application functions
  • New neutral application InstalSmart adapted to the market: DE, EN, PL, FR, BG, RU, SI, HR, HU, RO, AT, UA. The application is available for Android and iOS

Revision 21.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 21.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 21.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 21.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Ability to limit the range of visible stories in the 3D view to those with selected elements
  • Quick switch between visible stories in the 3D view
  • Distance measurement in a 3D view (for the result to be correct, set the view to one of the perpendicular to the planes of the coordinate system)
  • Ability to set the background style in the 3D view (Settings – Screen appearance)
  • Improvements to the Dormer element by:
    • possibility of replacing the walls of the Dormer element with the walls of the building in order to properly model its subpartitions
    • blocking the possibility of moving the walls of the Dormer element automatically generated
    • improvement of the visualization of the walls of the Dormer element in the 2D editor window, which makes it easier to change their thickness
  • Improvements to the Automatic walls, slabs and roofs function by:
    • reduction of the amount of walls with similar thickness generated in a series
    • improvement of wall generation and connections between them
    • generation of single-story walls for a multi-story Building contour element, which facilitates copying repeatable stories
  • Improvements in manual division of the structural wall in the horizontal and vertical arrangement within a given storey, which allows for an analogous division of thermal partitions
  • Improvement of the drawing and joining functions Pipe-runPipe-runs pair
  • Improvement of the Check connections function
  • The Generate schematic view function works separately for the project scopes: Heating and cooling systems and Water supply systems
  • Distinction of the icon on the ribbon for project scopes: Heating and cooling systems and Water supply systems
  • Easier access to Automatic schematic view of installation worksheets by separating a separate branch for worksheets with schematic views into project scopes: Heating and cooling systems and Water supply systems
  • Improved operation of Generate schematic view algorithm for variants available for the Starting point element in the Presented on schematic view field
  • Improving program performance by speeding up the Generate schematic view operation
  • Updating product catalogs
IFC import bazowy

IFC (BIM) import basis

  • New edit scope visibility mode named: Visible when inactive (only edges). Displays the edges on the IFC model, facilitating further analysis when interpreting IFC objects into structural elements further used to create a thermal model
  • Ability to display the object ifcSpace in the 2D editor and 3D view windows, which facilitates the analysis of the IFC model and the outline of rooms
  • New search criteria in the Search window for the Underlay edit scope: ifcSpaceifcPlateifcMember
IFC interpretacja danych budynku

IFC (BIM) building data interpretation

  • Improvements in the operation of the Create storeys between selected slabs/roofs from IFC file function, in the case of a storey limited by sloping roofs
eksport konstrukcji budynku dostepny wkrotce

IFC (BIM) building structure elements export

eksport instalacji grzewczej i chlodzacej IFC

IIFC (BIM) building structure elements export / IFC (BIM) heating/cooling system export / IFC (BIM) tap water system export

  • New, dedicated IFC file export window allows for:
    • include or exclude element labels from export
    • precise determination of the scope of exported elements
    • determination of basic data about the exported IFC model (s)
    • selection of worksheets to be exported and determination of the number of the resulting IFC files
  • IFC models can be exported in an iterative way according to the BIM process
  • File conversion is not required to obtain the IFC model (component data may not be complete)
systemy chlodnicze

Heating systems / Cooling systems

  • New thermostatic connection sets for bathroom and decorative radiators
  • New Outlet of no-flow pipe-run element enabling modeling of venting and drain pipe-runs ending with a free outlet
  • 3D visualization of connection type variants for the Terminal unit element when declaring data in the Data table window
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • New type of partition: Expansion wall
  • The Room element along with its label is also visible on the H&E(T) scope
systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • New type With return temp. limiter of the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone element, must be supplied from the high-temperature part by pipe-runs and is not divided automatically
  • The value of the default floor thermal conductivity coefficient in the heating floor structure window is 2.1 W / mK, and the default floor thickness is taken from the floor data
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • The possibility of using manifolds in the hot water circulation network
  • New Outlet of no-flow pipe-run element enabling modeling of venting and drain pipe-runs ending with a free outlet
  • The Source element has additional text data Purpose of the medium (e.g. drinking water, process water). After calculations, this information is available in the labels of fed elements (it does not affect the calculations)
  • In the Search window it is possible to define the search criteria: Water outlet point located on a specific type of element Waste water source
  • New Separate schematic views option in the Data table window for the Starting point (Water supply systems) element, giving the possibility to create separate Automatic schematic view of installation worksheets for cold water installation and for domestic hot water and circulation
  • Presentation of Pressure boosting device and Mixing valve elements on Automatic schematic view of installation worksheets

Revision 20.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 20.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 20.0See Video

IFC import bazowy

IFC (BIM) import basis

  • A new module that allows to import a building model (including installations and equipment) from IFC files (watch video)
    • Import of IFC files as an independent model (available on Underlay scope)
    • Loading the IFC model into any project (new and with the existing, e.g. building structure or installation), including removing and replacing the existing model (re-import)
    • Loading many independent models into one project
    • Possibility of precise model management, incl. preview of the full structure of the IFC file, preview of the properties of each element, hiding and searching for elements using the Project browser window
    • Loading of IFC models containing both architecture and designed installations previously exported from InstalSystem 5 and from other programs
    • Model visible as in the 2D editor window (drawing as edges) as in the 3D view window (actual model)
    • Snap-in of construction elements and installations drawn on a 2D view to IFC objects
    • IFC models export to DXF / DWG (2D), PDF (2D / 3D) formats
IFC interpretacja danych budynku

FC (BIM) building data interpretation

  • A new module that allows the interpretation of structural objects from the IFC file into InstalSystem 5 structural partitions (further used, among others, for thermal calculations of the building) (watch video)
    • Independent interpretation of selected stories based on the IFC file to obtain worksheets
    • Interpretation of selected construction elements (ifcBeam, ifcBuildingElementProxy, ifcColumn, ifcCurtainWall, ifcDoor, ifcFooting, ifcOpeningElement, ifcRoof, ifcSlab, ifcWall, ifcWindow and others) to InstalSystem 5 construction elements (Wall (with the element Opening in wall), WindowDoorRoofSlab (with the element Opening in slab)) and used, among others, by the Heat loss module
    • Possibility to modify or remove interpreted elements of the building structure
eksport instalacji grzewczej i chlodzacej IFC

IFC (BIM) heating/cooling system export / IFC (BIM) tap water system export

modul bazowy

Base module

  • New graphic elements: PolygonPolylineRectangle, Ellipse
  • A throbber (Spinning wheel) for Check connections function
  • New function Move underlay enabling precise shifting of the underlay (by the indicated vector)
  • New marker (a dot) that distinguishes active Window (watch video)
  • Abort calculations button (watch video)
  • Improvement of program performance by:
    • Speed up of work on big underlays in DWG/DXF format
    • Speed up of graphics operations
    • Speed up of ZOOM/PAN/ROTATE operations in the 3D view window
    • Speed up of the Pipe-run elements insertion
    • Speed up of data refresh operations in a General data window
  • Ability to control automatically created building units: Common to entire building / Separate for storeys
  • Possibility to create building units from the window 2D editor by selecting rooms and entering a common name for them in the field Building unit
  • Sorting the list of rooms in the window Project browser by the symbol of the room (the function is available under the right mouse button on the Building unit )
  • New function Ground modeling enabling modeling and graphical visualization of ground surfaces of various shapes (in the form of a building envelope as a curve at the contact of the ground with external walls) (watch video)
  • Improvements of the Dormer by:
    • improvement of automatically generated dormers on the Construction scope
    • correct generation of the internal wall if the element Dormer covers two or more rooms
  • Rearrangement and improvement of the assignment of elements to layers after exporting a drawing to DWG / DXF formats
  • Update of product catalogues.
systemy chlodnicze

Heating systems/ Cooling systems

  • New element: Low loss header’ with size selected from the catalogue or automatically sized depending of flow rate (watch video)
  • New element: Expansion vessel with size selected manually from the catalogue (watch video)
  • New graphic elements (not calculated): Pressure gauge and Thermometer, straight and angular, possible to insert into the pipe-runs on the plan or in the 3D model (watch video)
  • A default Non-return valve can be set in General data window
  • Possibility to present the values of Obtained heating output and Obtained cooling output in Room label. Other values re-arranged and renamed.
  • Corrected and completed content of tables Manifold table and Radiant heating general results, in cases when a Radiator is supplied from the same manifold as Radiant heating.
  • New options in the Orientation field in Data table for Mixer / Pump unit /Control loop (watch video)
  • Possibility to change the position of the front of the Terminal unit element, which affects the result of the Generate schematic view function (watch video)
  • New presentation for the segments of pipe-runs coming out of the Manifold on the Automatic schematic view of installation sheet – graphical offset of the supply and return pipe-runs.
  • 3D visualisation of: ManifoldMixer / Pump unit Hydraulic control loop elements orientation, during data declaration in Data table window (watch video)
  • Possibility to exclude selected rooms or receivers from the cooling function in heating/cooling installations (watch video)
dobor grzejnikow

Radiators sizing

  • Integrated universal (with right or left side connection) radiators – possibility to choose an universal radiators both as a Default left side conn. radiator type as well as as Default right side conn. radiator type
  • Change of diagnostics message: terminal unit connection system from other catalogue than connection pipes priority from Warning to Error, allowing for a faster response to the incompatible choice of system for Default radiator connection system (right/left/middle conn.) in relation to the choice of Default pipe types and insulation for Branch/radiator circuit pipe in General data window (watch video)
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • Constant, independent of the calculation options, visibility of values in the project data: cwirk for the building and Cwirk/A for a Partition definition
  • Calculations according to ÖNORM EN 12831; H 7500-1 standard have all result tables according to this standard
  • The ability to select a preset for fh in Data table window of Room, which are higher than 5m
  • Optimization of the Thermal calculations of building algorithm, what may reduce time of the calculations
  • Improvements to the Dormer by:
    • correct determination of the room cubic capacity if the element Dormer covers two or more rooms
    • improvement of the determination of thermal partitions in the H&E(T) scope for various design situations including dormers
  • Improvement of the algorithm that automatically creates thermal partitions from structural elements
  • Automatic division of thermal partitions into or taking into account the course of the ground curve (new element )
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • New element: Expansion vessel with size selected manually from the catalogue (watch video)
  • New graphic elements (not calculated): Pressure gauge> and Thermometer, straight and angular, possible to insert into the pipe-runs on the plan or in the 3D model (watch video)
  • Improvement of algorithm generating automatically schematic views
  • Change of diagnostics message: terminal unit connection system from other catalogue than connection pipes priority from Warning to Error, allowing for a faster response to the incompatible choice of system for System of water outlet points connections in relation to the choice of Default pipe types and insulation for Branch/radiator circuit pipe in General data window (watch video)

Revision 19.6

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 19.5

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 19.4

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 19.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 19.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Correction of critical errors which blocked the Generate schematic view function
  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 19.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Possibility to update InstalSystem 5 without requiring the administrator rights
  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 19.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Improvements in the program performance:
    – Faster response to group selection of the elements
    – Smoother work with 3D view window
    – Acceleration of : Automatic walls, slabs and roofs and Correction of wall geometry functions
  • If a high-performance graphics card (not integrated with the motherboard or with the processor) is detected in the hardware configuration, it is set as active for the InstalSystem 5 program. This eliminates problems with the stability and performance of the application resulting from the lower performance of the integrated graphics card
  • PDF files exported by the program now have a vector structure, which allowed to significantly reduce their size
  • The front side of some elements is marked when selecting the element in the plan view – helps to obtain correct Automatic schematic view of installation
  • Automatic generation of flat roofs (watch the video)
  • Support for creating a building structure and designing installations in buildings with multiple series of storeys (with mutually shifted floor levels) by: (watch the video)
    – Possibility to display the Building contour element on another series of storeys (new field Show on other storeys). This allows for the correct generation of structural partitions (walls and ceilings) after calling the Automatic walls, slabs and roofs function
    – Possibility of dividing the Slab element and quick convertion into the Roof
    – Possibility to combine parts of the installation on different series of storeys using the Riser element (with the Show on other storeys option and the option to hide the Riser element in the printout)
    – Printout on one sheet two storeys, using the Additional storey field available for the Printout pages element
  • Opening in wall element has been given a new option of connecting rooms by Merge rooms checkbox, available in Data table window (watch the video)
  • Extended descriptions of the functions on the ribbon for the Construction edit scope (watch the video)
  • Presentation of product catalog codes at the stage of editing general data and data of elements (watch the video)
  • Standard logo of the manufacturer distributing the given corporate version of the InstalSystem 5 package presented in tabular printouts can be replaced with the user’s logo, e.g. of a design office (watch the video)
  • Automatic schematic view of installation: rearrangement of the sections and fields in Data table for Starting point
systemy chlodnicze

Heating systems / Cooling systems

  • New elements: single manifold, pipe-run No-flowSafety valve
  • The Terminal unit element has been given a new option to define a default distance from the floor, separately for each storey
  • Elements: Mixer / Pump unit and Hydraulic control loop
    – Possibility to choose the level of detail in presentation of these elements separately on individual views: 2D, 3D and schematic view (watch the video)
    – Possibility to define the dimensions of these elements on Automatic schematic view of installation sheet regardless of the dimentions on 2D/3D views (watch the video)
    – New fields: Default width of mixers / control/mixing units and Default height of mixers / control/mixing units in Data table for Starting point allows to define default dimensions of these elements on a particular Automatic schematic view of installation sheet
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • Calculations of the heat load of the building in accordance with ÖNORM EN 12831 + H-7500-1
  • Optimization of the Thermal calculations of building algorithm, what may reduce time of the calculations
systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • Two-parameter manifolds, integrating the high- and low- temperature part and the mixing unit (watch the video)
  • New template of manifold chart, dedicated to industrial systems
  • New checkbox Hide systems from catalogues different than the manifold
  • Acceleration of the supply temperature optimization algorythm, what may reduce time of the calculations
rozszerzenia obliczen instalacji wodociagowych

Tap water extensions

  • Three-way mixing valves, reducing the temperature of hot water (watch the video)

Revision 18.5

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 18.4

systemy chlodnicze

Cooling systems

  • Method of determining the specific heat of the medium filling the installation has been improved

Revision 18.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 18.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 18.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Change of the program architecture to 64-bit. That means there is a possibility to use all of the computer’s RAM available. Previous publications, which were in 32-bit architecture, could only use 4GB of RAM
  • Improvements in the program performance:
    – faster response to switching between two types of elements Worksheet
    – faster loading of 3D view content
    – faster opening of files containing DWG/DXF underlay
    – reduced time of Computation of building structure
    – reduced time of Thermal calculations of building
  • Improvements of the algorithm which creates Automatic schematic view of installation
  • New diagnostic messages related to the function Automatic schematic view of installation.
    The contested elements are indicated in the graphic editor
  • New graphic presentation of the Endpoint for schematic view
  • Symbols of the element Starting point are generated automatically after using the function Generate for Automatic schematic view of installation
  • Selection of item Fragment of installation on Sheet type: Schematic view references to item Endpoint on Sheet type: Plan view
  • New hints on Status Bar informing about active keys during insertion of the elements
  • Improved AUTO mode and ORTO mode for drawing of building structure
  • Possibility to edit Roof element on 3D view
  • Possibility to define roof slope with automatic calculation of elevation of ordinates for Roof
  • Dormers are included in calculations of Room cubic capacity
  • Change in organization of Ribbon in Construction section:
    – Buttons are sorted in order of recommended path of use for building structure designing
    – Button Automatic walls, slabs and roofs moved to the Construction section
  • New diagnostic related to wall connections after using Automatic walls, slabs and roofs function, informing about detected irregularities
  • New Component styles 2D and 3D on Construction scope supporting the design and verification of the building structure
  • New tool Correction of wall geometry enables automatic correction of building structure by using functions:
    – Correct wall connections
    – Correct wall thickness, enables getting the same walls thickness in entire project
    – Correct angles of the walls, enables the correction of parallelism / perpendicularity of walls relative to each other
    – Correct position between storeys, enables the correction of the position and displacement of walls between storeys with the possibility of indicating a reference storey
    Tool is available on Ribbon in Construction section
  • New, precise diagnostic messages for Computation of building structure , facilitate correct edition of the building structure
  • Improvement of diagnostic message: Overlapping walls or incorrectly connected walls – messages are grouped and there is more precise indication of walls affecting incorrect Computation of building structure
  • Possibility of more accurate location of the Reference point element because of more accurate impact of AUTO mode for snapping to DWG underlays elements (also axis)
  • New Multi-storey room marker in label
systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • Added Automatic labels for Pipe-runs in Starting point (thermal installations) data
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • The user interface was changed in the scope of specific data of rooms and building units, unifying it with other program modules. Special editors have been left for cooling partitions in rooms and for partition definitions
  • Improvements in Thermal calculations of building based on a properly defined building structure
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • The possibility of calculations according to the EN 806-3 standard
  • Automatic schematic view of installation – new functionality available – BETA version

Revision 17.5

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 17.4

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 17.3

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues


Revision 17.2

Revision 17.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 17.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • When inserting an opening in a sloping roof plane, the “z” coordinates of corner points are determined automatically
  • In the Storeys management window, the values Storey elevation and Storey height are editable, and the complement each other for adjacent stories
  • For the top floor, Elevation of roof top property has been added, the change of which corrects the height of that floor
  • The option of distinguishing the style and label of a “manual” room (drawn directly) from “automatic” (generated automatically based on the arrangement of walls and slabs) has been introduced
  • When drawing elements “roof edge”, Opening in roofDormer in AUTO mode, snapping to DWG base elements is carried out
  • In the calculations of the building structure, Overlapping walls or incorrectly connected walls diagnostics was introduced. The contested elements are indicated in the graphical editor
  • In the Settings tab, sub-tab: Screen appearance, checkbox Disable advanced presentation of transparency on 3D’ has been added. Checking can make it easier to work on computers with weaker graphics cards
  • The ‘Position tab has been added to the configuration of element label styles, where you can specify the default position of the label relative to the parent
systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • Automatic schematic view of installation – new functionality available – BETA version
  • The Boiler element was introduced as one of the possible properties of the element Source in the field Graphical presentation
  • Enabled declaration of dimensions of Terminal unit element from 1 cm
systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • Ergonomy of corrections of pipe loops and pipe feeds drawings generated automatically and drawn manually has been improved
  • New criterion of pipe feeds arrangement -AUTO- has been added to Pipe feeds route tool
systemy panelowe

Panel systems

  • In the general data and in the data table of the element Ceiling panels zone the possibility of declaration of automatic placement of adjacent rows of panels in the zone with mutual offset has been introduced
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • For sanitary appliances, it is possible to declare the frame
  • A declaration of default manifold types has been introduced in the general data


Revision 16.2

Revision 16.0See Video

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Many elements of the installation (radiator, valve, pump, etc.) by default are inserted with label
  • Possibility of precise control of pipe-runs arrangement, with different ordinates of the beginning and end of the pipe-run (case of pipe-runs carried out in inclined ceilings / walls)
systemy grzewcze

Heating systems

  • Possibility to declare (General data window, Storeys management tab) the default distance from the floor separately of the supply and return pipe-runs
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • Possibility to declare (General data window, Storeys management tab) the default distance from the floor separately of the hot water, cold water and circulation pipe-runs
  • Rearrangement of general data tabs
  • New element of the installation – linear drain
stacje mieszkaniowe

Flat stations

  • New module enabling the design of heating and water supply installations with the use of flat stations


Revision 15.3

modul bazowy


  • Base module

Revision 15.2

modul bazowy

Base module

  • Update of product catalogues

Revision 15.1

modul bazowy

Base module

  • List of elements displayed in window Project browser ia automatically adapted to currently edited edit scope
  • Catalogues window – tabs have been replaced by more precise catalogue filters
  • Window 3D view – possibility to display edges of the elements (available under the button Show edges/Hide edges in section View)
  • The ability to generate rooms, whose whole area is located in another room
systemy chlodnicze

Heating systems/ Cooling systems

  • Settings from tab have been moved to tabs: Distribution systemTypes and default data and RadiatorsRadiators/Radiator valves – types and default data (tab has been removed)
straty ciepla

Heat loss

  • Enabling module Thermal calculations of building automatically switches common project setting: Method of calculating Φ into variant Calculated acc. to coefficient
  • Enabled correction of room internal temperature (θi,H) of standard room types
systemy plaszczyznowe

Radiant systems

  • Manifold can be placed on a drawing in horizontal position or with upward outlet ports (configuration via new field in data table Orientation)
  • In the tab Additional options in General data window Specific market options has been added – possibility to choose the method of the calculation without a surplus to flow rate for compensation of heat flow to the other side of the Heating-cooling surface
systemy panelowe

Panel systems

  • Data table window of element Wall panel/Ceiling panel – Δpmax field has been added thus enabling control of maximum pressure drop in single panel or set of panels in serial connection
instalacje wodociagowe

Tap water systems

  • Water supply installations designing module – availability depending on package