
Designing a heating system with use of prefabricated ceiling and wall panels (+ cooling system as an option, if the package configuration used during the training included the ‘Cooling systems’ module)


  1. Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
    • default data for storeys,
    • system working parameters,
    • default data for panels,
    • default data for distribution pipe feeds and for panel serial connection,
    • manifold and fitting default types.
  2. Design graphic edition on plans, in particular:
    • loading storey plans from DWG files,
    • creating a room,
    • filling an area room with ceiling panels,
    • inserting wall/ceiling panels manually,
    • connecting panels in series.
  3. Verifying the system model in 3D view.
  4. Performing preliminary calculations in order to verify coverage of room heat demand.
  5. Correcting preliminary data to adjust the calculated capacity to the required output.
  6. Design graphic edition on plans – completing designs with heat source and distribution system.
  7. Performing complete calculations along with system balancing and obtaining bill of materials.
  8. Diagnostics and results analysis.
  9. Preparing designs for printout/export.
  10. (opt.) Exporting installation models to IFC (BIM format) files.
  11. Q&A.


Approx. 2 hours

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