
Designing of a radiant floor and wall heating system in a one-family house.


  1. Previewing and setting project general data, in particular:
    • radiant floor systems,
    • radiant wall systems,
    • radiant ceiling systems,
    • manifolds and control systems,
    • feed temperature,
    • other options which may have impact on calculation results.
  2. Design graphic edition on plans, in particular:
    • ‘Heating/cooling zone’ data preview and usage tips,
    • ‘Pipe feeds route’ usage tips,
    • controlling mechanisms generating loop drawings,
    • manually correcting loop drawing and automatically generated pipe feeds.
  3. 3D model system correctness analysis.
  4. Calculation performance as well as diagnostics and results analysis, in particular:
    • coverage of required heating demand and system hydraulic balance,
    • system parameters in particular tabs visible in the ‘Results’ window,
    • obtained bill of materials.
  5. Correcting system parameters in order to obtain required heating efficiency.
  6. (opt.) Designing system cooling capacity.
  7. Generating schematic views.
  8. Preparing designs for printout/export.
  9. (opt.) Exporting installation models to IFC (BIM format) files.
  10. Q&A.


Approx. 3 hours

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