Catalogue of flat stations / residential heat substations

Flat stations/residential heat substations are devices that are most often installed in close proximity to heating risers and whose primary function is to heat domestic hot water. In addition, they also most often mediate the supply of heating medium to the residential heating system. The flat station, in addition to basic elements such as a heat exchanger and a 3-way controller (the so-called PM-regler), contains a number of additional obligatory or optional accessories, which allow balancing, regulation of factor parameters and metering of heating, as well as hot and cold domestic water flows. The InstalSystem package includes both company catalogues, i.e. a specific producer, and a neutral catalogue.

The range of product types that can be included in the catalogue

Different types of flat stations based on different schemes can be placed in the cataloque:

  • Stations for preparing hot water and supplying the residential system with heating medium:
    • supplying the radiator system,
    • supplying the underfloor heating system,
    • supplying the radiator system and the underfloor heating system.
  • Stations for preparation of hot water only.

Possible additional equipment (as an obligatory or optional accessory):

  • pressure controller before the tap water heat exchanger,
  • balancing valve in the radiator secondary circuit,
  • heat meter,
  • filter on the central heating/strainer,
  • shut-off/ball valves,
  • pressure gauge, thermometer,
  • cabinet,
  • mixer,
  • manifold,
  • dehydration kit.

In some cases, information on whether a particular type of flat station can be included in the program’s cataloques requires prior analysis in terms of the type and arrangement of the elements included in the flat station.
At the moment, only elements with one heat exchanger are supported in the program.

The range of data used

  • Products’ names and catalog codes,
  • Products’ pictures and short notice “About the company” information, if the catalogue preparation order includes preparation of graphical catalogues,
  • Technical data:
    • Types and design variants with catalog codes,
    • Dimensions of the station,
    • Station’s scheme with components’ localization and information which one is mandatory and which one is optional,
    • Technical data and hydraulic parameters of components:
      • Working parameters of the station:
        • Maximum operating pressure,
        • Minimum and maximum temperature on supply side,
        • (opc.) Minimum and maximum output of the hot water exchanger,
        • Maximum hot water outflow,
        • Maximum flow rate on a primary (supply) side of heat exchanger
      • Thermal characteristics of the hot water exchanger. (required flow on the primary circuit (kg/h or l/h) as a function of supply temperature (°C), hot water outflow. (l/min) and required heating. (K)),
      • Hydraulic characteristics of the hot water exchanger (pressure loss (bar or kPa) as a function of flow on the central heating side (l/h) and hot water side (l/min)),
      • Characteristics of the return temperature of the heating medium as a function of the temperature of the exchanger medium (°C) and the output flow of hot water. (l/min),
      • Hydraulic parameters of the elements on the primary and secondary side of the heating medium circuit,
      • Hydraulic parameters of elements on the drinking water side,
  • Number, arrangement and diameters (threads) of connection points,
  • Information on matching cabinets and their dimensions.

InstalSystem 5 modules using catalogues

stacje mieszkaniowe
systemy grzewcze
systemy plaszczyznowe
instalacje wodociagowe

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