End of support for InstalSystem 4

September 30, 2024, marks the end of support for InstalSystem 4.x.

Detailed information can be found on the website: https://instalsoft.com/products/older-versions/

FREE for everyone until the end of 2024 – the new module “Mechanical ventilation for residential buildings”!

With the release of version 27.0, the first publication of a new design module for the InstalSystem 5 package has been introduced, specifically for designing residential mechanical ventilation systems. To encourage both existing and new users of the InstalSystem 5 package to test the new module, we have decided to make it available for FREE to all interested parties until the end of 2024, giving users a full 4 months of access!

At the beginning of 2025, access to the module will be discontinued in all version 5.0 configurations and will no longer be free. To continue using the module, you will need to purchase/upgrade your license to InstalSystem 5.5 in one of the available package configurations (see also: https://instalsoft.com/offer/new-licencing-policy/).

How can I access the new module?

1. If you have a full version license for the InstalSystem 5 package, perform a standard internet update and refresh the activation.

2. If you do not have a full license for the InstalSystem 5 package:

Download and install the InstalSystem 5 package:

Activate the program using the license number:


More informations:

Moduły – Wentylacja mechaniczna dla budynków mieszkalnych

If you have suggestions regarding the module’s functionality, want to submit a request or report a problem, or have any questions, please use the “Ask question / Report a problem with project” button from the package manager.


InstalSmart – Free desktop app for designing underfloor heating systems!

InstalSmart is a computer application designed for quick and efficient floor heating installation design. The ability to complete a project in just a few minutes makes InstalSmart an ideal tool for rapid, simplified projects that can serve as the basis for preliminary installation estimations.

InstalSmart in its neutral version is a free application. During activation, use the multi-activation license number.

More information:


Rainwater gravity systems module available in InstalSystem 5 package!

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new module to the expanded InstalSystem 5 package. The “Rainwater gravity systems” module in its first published version enables the effective design of rainwater gravity systems intended for efficient drainage of rainwater from roofs and the surroundings of buildings.

Our module offers an intuitive graphical editing, making it easy to create rainwater installation projects. As a result, engineers and designers can focus on the optimal placement of pipes, fittings, and other elements, ensuring efficient rainwater drainage. The module also allows for the selection of appropriate pipe diameters, guaranteeing proper water flow and minimizing the risk of blockages.

While creating a rainwater installation project, a precise 3D model is generated, which allows users to continuously control compliance with the expected condition. This makes it possible to quickly adjust the project to any changes or specific terrain conditions. Additionally, the visualization of the model can also include installations designed or being designed within other modules of the InstalSystem 5 package, allowing for the coherence of the rainwater installation project with other installation systems.

Our module not only facilitates the design process but also provides a comprehensive material summary. As a result, investors and contractors have full control over the necessary materials, translating into the efficiency of the construction process.

The full version of the module is planned for release 27.0 of the InstalSystem 5 package. It will be available in selected configurations, including a trial version. We invite you to follow our news and visit our online store, where you can purchase the InstalSystem 5 package in the selected configuration.

See more in our video presenting the novelties in publication 26.0:
InstalSystem 5 – Novelties in release 26.0

The new module is available in selected configurations (including a trial version) of the full InstalSoft version of the InstalSystem 5 package. See which configurations of the full package the Sewerage Installations module is available in:

InstalSystem 5 package with the number 26.0!

InstalSystem 5 package, with the number 26.0, is available to download, with a lot of attractive updates!

You can find the list of novelties from:

video https://youtu.be/7yNQOCHWfL0?feature=shared
a detailed list on the website: https://instalsoft.com/support/publication-info/

We encourage you to subscribe to the YouTube channel to stay up to date with news!

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A new tutorial on our YouTube channel!

Want to learn about modeling 21 different roofs in InstalSystem 5? Now is your chance!
Join us and go through the process, showing how easy and efficient it is to create professional designs using our software.
Don’t wait! Click the link and explore all the possibilities our application offers for roof modeling.

InstalSystem 5 package with the number 25.0!

InstalSystem 5 package, with the number 25.0, is available to download, with a lot of attractive updates!

You can find the list of novelties from:

video https://youtu.be/6G4NMo2XQ3s
(in the description under the video there are names of subsections with the names of new products)
a detailed list on the website: https://instalsoft.com/support/publication-info/

We encourage you to subscribe to the YouTube channel to stay up to date with news!

New update of InstalSystem 5 package now available to download!

A new publication for the InstalSystem 5 package, with the number 24.0, is available to download, with a lot of attractive updates!

You can find the list of novelties from:

We encourage you to subscribe to the YouTube channel to stay up to date with news!

NEW Tutorial! InstalSystem 5 - Domestic wastewater gravity systems

A tutorial appeared on our InstalSoft Global channel: InstalSystem 5 - Domestic wastewater gravity systems!

We invite you to watch the tutorial, which was recorded by Olga Klintsevich. The movie contains an interactive table of contents that allows you to quickly jump to the various stages presented in the movie.

We also encourage you to meet possibilities of our modules in the descriptions:

'Domestic wastewater gravity systems'

'IFC (BIM) sewage system export'

We also encourage you to subscribe to the channel to stay informed about new movies!

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Discover our BIM in InstalSystem 5 - new videos about BIM modules!

On our InstalSoft Global channel there are new videos from the “Modules” series, presenting the enormous benefits of using IFC files to create a building structure for thermal calculations and installation design. Thanks to the use of architectural models delivered in the IFC format, the stage of creating the building structure can be significantly accelerated and the quality of coordination in designing installations in the InstalSystem 5 package can be improved.

You can find new videos in the Available modules descriptions of the module ‘IFC (BIM) import basis’ and ‘IFC (BIM) building data interpretation’.

We encourage you to watch the films.

In the next videos, we will present the other modules that allow you to design in accordance with the BIM idea!

We also encourage you to subscribe to the channel to stay informed about new movies!